Here is Day Two of your New Moon horoscopes! Have a great day, and don't forget to check back in tomorrow for the final Day Three predictions!
Aries: Whatever you’re doing to take care of yourself, it’s clearly working well for you! You’ve grown so much recently, and your strength and dedication are truly inspirational. When you’re ready, turn your focus to your overall wellness and focus on the parts of your life that you know need more attention. Way to go! 🌟
Taurus: This is the time for you to really focus on yourself, and hone in on what you want. You’re able to get anything that you want, Taurus, so don’t let anything stand in your way! You’ve got the ways and means to get it done, and you’re capable of whatever you can dream up ✨
Gemini: We’re at the point in the New Moon cycle where your energy is starting to shift from the chill and homey vibe you have going up to something more creative and expressive. You demand to steal the show and you damn well deserve to, Gemini. Pour yourself into whatever you do today because it’s going to be phenomenal 💫
Cancer: Still got more to say, Cancer? Are you harboring something that you need to get off your chest? This is the exact opportunity that you’ve been waiting for to let your feeling out and come to terms with whatever’s got you in a rut. Just know that you’ll be listened to and that your voice will be heard 🌌
Leo: How have you been feeling today, Leo? If you’ve been stressed and unproductive, that’s okay! You don’t have to be out there all the time giving 110%. Sometimes you have to take a little power nap and come back stronger than before. You’re allowed to be the centre of the world when it comes to looking after yourself ⭐️
Virgo: The Moon is in your sign for the rest of the day, Virgo, so make the most of this incredible energy and get some new projects or ideas off the ground! You’re so motivated to get shit done, so really throw yourself into it and go wild! Put your heart into it and it will be as amazing as you are 🌠
Libra: I love this thoughtful vibe on you, Libra! You’ve discovered so much about yourself lately, and if you need any extra soul-searching, now is just the right time. Don’t get too lost in space though; remember to focus on your earthly body as well as your astral one 💛
Scorpio: You’ve got a great idea and a heart full of dreams, Scorpio, so what’s stopping you? You’re ready to work hard for what you want, and that kind of attitude can take you to the stars. Just don’t shoot for them alone; you’re surrounded by so many people who want to help you get there, so why don’t you let them? ✨
Sagittarius: Damn damn, today you are in a gooood way. The New Moon is sending you exactly the energy you need, helping you get unstuck and to get your thoughts flowing. You’re being called to expand your knowledge today, maybe try to try something new or read something thoughtful to make the most of it 🌌
Capricorn: You’re feeling a shift right now, a shift within you - you need to learn to focus on your overall wellbeing, rather than just obsessing over goals. This is a great time of personal transformation for you! Try to expand your holistic horizons - you may find that this is exactly the right time. 💫 Aquarius: Today is a big day again for you Aquarius, you’re still going through a huge change, but your priorities are shifting over to your relationships in particular today. Spend time with your partner, family, or friends, and see what kind of growth you can do together over the course of the day 🌠
Pisces: Not much has changed since I last saw you, Pisces! Your sights are still set on relationships and creating healthy routines and boundaries today! If there is any work for you to do in creating structure or organization in your life, this is a wonderful time to figure out your foreseeable future 🌟